Biblical Exegesis
The only reason this is the prototype right now is because we are not particularly organized.
And, because the teachers are available anywhere there is a church.
You do not have to pay tuition for these classes.
It is true that you do have to pay tuition to get a doctorate in theology; however, this prototype class is not at that level. Instead it is a way to look at the possibility that the Eucharist might actually be true, or perhaps might not. That is, to consider it phenomenologically, to meet it where it is so to speak, on neutral ground.
This has not been done in many universities for many centuries despite the fact that universities are supposed to be places of free inquiry, because these universities were deliberately taken over in order to discredit the notion of Eucharist as a "fantasy" and appropriate church funds via military and political power, for their own secular usage.
Harvard Divinity School, for exapmle, was originally established to refute the Eucharist as a real phenomenon, and many wealthy people poured huge money into this project and continue to do so.
Of course, this was a long time ago and people forget.
Let us approach the Engelbrott without prejudice to see what we might find.
1. what was the name of the river where Jesus was baptized?
A. Tiber. B. Nile. C. Giordano
2. John was already campe out down at the river. What was he doing?
A. Practicing the song "shall we gather at the river" with a shofar ukelele panflute band.
B. Fishing for trout, which ofttimes would snack on leftover bagels from Pharisee festivities.
C. he was brewing manichevitz in a moonshine still.
D. Ok get real he was a prophet for crying out loud, and he did in fact cry out loud.
3. WHen Jesus appeared, what did John say?
A. We're dead now. Have you seen your face on that poster in Herod's waiting room?
B. Hows about you and me cross the border into North Africa and just stay there until the heats off.
C. You should be baptizing me!
4. Jesus replied, A. Do you like my Volcom surfer duds? B. Have you tried the fried shrimp over there at the Riverside ristorante? C. Let's do this.
5. When Jesus came up out of the water, what did God the Father say? A. I am very pleased with Jesus. B. Jesus, you are hereby grounded for three weeks with no camel for going AWOL from the carpenter shoppe. C. Let's all gather at the river that flows by the trhone of God.
as to the catalogue of courses
We have various course catalogues and varsity guides scattered everywhere as we tried to flee virtual and irl violence; a free prototype
however for the present, biblical exegesis is a course anyone can take and its free. You just take the mass readings every day-- for 16 weeks if you want the four college credits--, (if you go to mass you dont even have to read anything, you can just hear it) and draw out what is there from a phenomenological perspective. The priest is someone who has invariably been to school. You can't be a priest if you don't go to school and learn to read, and study for a long time. Thus, the sermon is a free lecture by someone who could be a professor at a school, but-- No student debt.
As for time invested,
the mass takes about half an hour during the week and if you put in another quarter hour thinking about it thats' 45 minutes. For six days thats a little over four hours a week, which is about the same as a college class.
If you dont' have time to go you can watch the mass on the internet.
You don't have to believe anything about it. Of course you can do the same with any religious text, but Uriels' mission is to research whether the claims of Jesus are veridical because if they are "big, if true".
In the readings for the last week of June 2022, Elohim baruk or whichever name is used in Amos, is angry with Israel for being greedy and cruel, licentious and dishonest, and profaning the holy name of Yahweh.. "the more things change, the more they stay the same"
Amos was a tree pruner and thus the imagery is very agricultural, as in wheelbarrows full of produce getting stuck in the mud like pharaoh's charioteers at the Red Sea.
Now that Israel was established in the land, and had their own property and such, they had become similar to their persecutors. THe more things change, etc.
In the gosepl, having been turned away from Samaria because he was headed for Jerusalem jesu refuses to blast Samaria with volcanos as suggested by the bonanerges. Instead he warns his stan fans that they won't get a fancy house or any kind of social position for following him; in fact he has "nowhere to lay his head" and is worse off than foxes and birds in that sense.